I should have known from Buffy's pigtails in the preview that this week would be a wacky-fun episode. Buffy spoilers ahoy. In consideration for my friends who won't get to see it until Saturday because of stupid college basketball (thank you God for satellite dishes and WPIX), you'll have to highlight between the brackets to read:
[Spike discovers the awesome blossom and thinks it's brilliant. I couldn't agree more. Of course, he thinks Xander would make a tastier snack, and while I don't necessarily disagree, I'm pretty sure he meant it in an entirely different context than what I would find appealing. Anyway.
Had a lot of odd couple bonding this episode. Xander & Spike bonding was funny. Anya & Willow bonding was pretty entertaining. Buffy & Tara bonding was just weird. That poor girl doesn't have any chemistry with anybody. And could they make her look any frumpier? What's that about? She had been looking mostly pretty this season. At least her reddish dye-job is fading back to blonde. Twinky couples annoy me, and one redhead in the couple is quite enough, thank you. By the way, I really dug Willow's hair this week. I wish I could make my hair do that without spending an hour with a curling iron.
It was really good to see Kubiack again.
While I still like Anya (sorry, but she cracks me up... that gleeful look on her face when she slammed on the breaks just killed me), and I think she and Xander make a great couple, I have to say I think perhaps the combination of post-Riley-breakup angst (which proved not nearly as angsty as post-Angel-breakup angst, which is neither here nor there, I'm just saying) and the possibility that her pigtails were too tight made Buffy insane. Miraculous love? That was just a tad over the top.
And Spike (it all comes back to him, doesn't it?). Poor, frustrated, mildly psychotic Spike. He clearly has some issues to work through. Am I alone in suspecting that the clothes on that mannequin were stolen from Buffy's closet? I don't even want to think about what he does with that pair of skivvies that he snatched out of her dresser drawer during the sweater-sniffing incident.
At any rate, as funny as the whole Spike & Buffy love/hate fest has been, it's beginning to grow tiresome, and something needs to happen soon. I'm getting really tired of watching Spike take her abuse every week. Either he needs to decide to hell with her and her hero schtick and get back to being a bad-ass, or she needs to start treating him better. Either way, I think a confrontation is called for, and I hope it happens soon. At least she's ceased punching him in the face every time she sees him, so I suppose that's progress...
Angel was a re-run, so nothing much to say about that, except that I miss Cordelia's long hair, and she was pretty funny in that ep. But next week on Angel, "Angel is not prepared to face an enemy he left for dead." This is said over a shot of Lindsey lying in a pile of Wolfram & Hart lawyer corpses and opening his eyes. HEE! Lindsey's a vampire! Again I say, HEE! Then again, I shouldn't get my hopes up, as the previews can be pretty misleading sometimes. But either way Lindsey didn't get killed off, so HEE!]
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