The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Saturday, June 01, 2002

Well, I did ride my bike yesterday, but then I got home and realized I was missing the Farscape Chain Reaction and sat down to watch that for the next half dozen hours. John & Aryn, y'all. The only couple on TV who can make me forget all about Buffy & Spike for a while. Sigh. But anyway, that means I accomplished diddly-squat yesterday. After the marathon was over I came upstairs to answer e-mail like I promised, but I decided to check out some of the fic of this one person who wrote me so I could include nice things about it in my reply, and then I spent all the rest of the night reading it. Check out Caro's fic, y'all. It doth rocketh.

Should I warn that it's S/B? Do y'all not know me well enough by now to know that that's all I ever read? I think you do.

Anyway. I thought I might go see a movie tonight, but there's nothing out right now that I particularly want to see for a first time, and I don't think my friend Tess would want to sit through any of the others a second time. So maybe today I'll be able to get to the e-mail, if nothing else. I might go ahead and get around and run into Tulsa for a few hours tonight anyway, though, just to get out of the house for a while. Maybe I'll go to Borders and look at the GMAT study guides. Because all kidding aside, I really should spend some time this summer preparing for those. Woo! Doesn't that sound like an excitement-filled Saturday night?

Heh. If all goes according to plan, then soon I'll have band gigs and stuff to go to on the weekends, and it'll look like I actually have a life. That'll be nice.


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