The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Saturday, May 25, 2002

I posted part 4 of Getaway today. I was bad and didn't wait for all of my betas to get back to me, but I was just too eager to be done with it and move on.

So today was to be all about that, and cleaning. But I woke up feeling crappy, so I took some Benadryl, which made me able to breathe, but overall just made me feel crappier. And sleepy. So, so sleepy. After I posted the fic I figured I could go plop in a comfy chair and watch a movie until the feeling passed, so I watched Star Wars (the original -- and y'know, it's really not fair to bag on Natalie Portman's acting without pointing out that Carrie Fisher had quite a few line deliveries that were pretty dodgy), and fell asleep during the Death Star sequence. The dogs woke me just in time to see it blow up. Then I gave up and went to bed.

I think the stuff's worn off now. Woke up again a couple of hours ago, and just finished watching "Once More, With Feeling," a.k.a. the episode that finally made me care about Buffy for Buffy's sake and not just for how she affects Spike. The part where she sings about how she got brought back from Heaven had me crying. This effect appears to be retroactive, as I finally took some time out yesterday to watch some of the Season 1 DVDs and got all choked up over "Prophecy Girl." Plus, OMWF had the smoochies. Something I expect to see a lot more of next season, now that Spike's been soul-ex-machinaed into the Perfect Boyfriend for Buffy.

Now I'm off to beta someone else's fic for a change, then hopefully I'll be able to write something. Or maybe I'll answer some of the e-mail that I'm embarrassingly and inexcusably behind on. Or possibly I'll just take more Benadryl and go read some Harry Potter until I pass out. Later.


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