The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Sunday, May 12, 2002

I don't generally like to blog my AIM conversations as a rule, but this one cracked me up:

ritjunkie: Ooh! A roommate!
ritjunkie: I never had very good luck with those.
Fenwic: I -- knock wood -- have always done very well.
Fenwic: But see, that means you're in for some good karma. Right? Right?
ritjunkie: That's good. I've got some pretty good roommate horror stories.
Fenwic: What'd they do to you?
ritjunkie: Like, roommates and pets don't mix.
Fenwic: Uh-oh...
ritjunkie: Well one of the first freaked out when she found out Terrence (who was also living with us) was gay and moved out in the middle of a six month lease and left us a lot of her unpaid bills to take care of, and turned a bit psycho when we tried to get her to take care of them.
Fenwic: Oh my god! Intolerance and money woes. Damn.
ritjunkie: She also killed my parakeet. Left the balcony door open on a cold day without covering his cage and it got pneumonia.
Fenwic: Murderer. I am so sorry.
ritjunkie: Poor birdie.
Fenwic: She's Dru.

Of course, if you don't watch Buffy you won't get why that's funny.


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