The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, May 13, 2002

I'm all caught up on my bills! Laugh not. For me this is a huge accomplishment. It's not that often that I know just exactly how much money I have and that I don't have to be careful not to spend money that belongs to somebody else. It's a good feeling to have.

How sad am I that when I finished paying and balancing and adding and subtracting everything I had to go lie down for a while?

Now I can go back to Target and buy the purse I had all picked out the other night. I need a new purse. I was all set to buy one on Saturday when the Buffy first season DVD caught my eye. It really wasn't a difficult choice to make.

Started working in earnest as Manager Girl today. Accomplished nothing. All of the venues I contacted want to see a press kit first. I got the pictures back from the photo shoot yesterday, now I just need to meet with the boys so we can pick one out for the press kit, then I can actually finish putting it together and get it distributed. Then maybe I'll finally be able to make some headway and get them all booked up through the summer.

Also need to pick out photos for their web page and their CD cover. Then we can start selling CDs. Yay. Next step -- tee-shirts. If Stacie can come up with some artwork for them, that is.

Speaking of tee-shirts, eep is working on designs for the DL merchandise. What I've seen and what we've discussed so far looks to be pretty sweet. She said she plans to finish them this weekend. I can't wait to see what she comes up with. Even if I never sell a single shirt I'm all anxious to have one for myself.

And speaking of DL, I posted the third installment of Getaway last night. The link's over there in the sidebar (up above the random James head). And now I'm off to work on part 4 until Angel comes on.


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