Today was fun. The kids were a blast. I have to keep a journal of my time spent in the classroom for my clinical psych class, and I'll probably post it online in some form, probably right here. I haven't written up today's entry yet. I need to go eat something first.
This semester is indeed kicking my ass. I'm having to do without a lot of sleep in order to get all my stuff done, and even then it's down to the wire. Yeah, I know, wah, but going without sleep was so much easier when I was 19 than it is now. Last night I went to bed at 9:30, fell right to sleep, and slept until 9:00 this morning. I felt better today than I have all week. It was nice.
After class yesterday I went out to little sis's house. My mom was already there checking out her new furniture. We hung out for a couple of hours. That was also nice. Little sis is so pleasant to be around now that she's a grown-up. Well, an adult, at any rate. But for two hours I just sat and chatted and drank iced tea and looked at magazines. In other words, I relaxed. Been a while since I got to do that. Even over Christmas break I was too busy trying to get all my personal and non-school stuff done to take any time to really relax, except on Christmas day. And even then I worked on a story. Coming up mid-February is "The Thrilla in Nashvilla," a.k.a. DL3 Con, and I'll get to go to my friend Edith's house and spend the whole weekend shooting the breeze and watching videos and hashing out plotlines with the DL crew. Well, some of them, anyway. Not all of them can make it, sadly. But regardless of whether we get anything done, I'm just really looking forward to the break. I think the road trip alone will be cathartic.
Provided I don't spend it thinking too much, that is. Driving out to my sister's yesterday, I started thinking about how I'll be 35 by the time I finish grad school, and how I'd just learned that afternoon all about how that's the age your risk of having a retarded baby doubles, and I realized that's only 6 years away, and I am so woefully single and the chances of me having a baby before I'm 35 are pretty much nil. And I'm not even sure I ever want to have a baby. I don't think I'd be a good parent. I can't even clean my catbox out in a timely fashion, and my apartment is a pit. I'm going to be 29 in less than 3 months and I can't even keep my apartment clean. How could I even consider subjecting a child to me? Or a husband, for that matter. And considering I'm not dating anybody, and haven't dated anybody in a very, very long time, I really think this isn't something I need to worry about.
Then I started thinking about how I need to get the hell out of this state. Oklahoma is probably the worst state in which to be single. I've got statistics to back me up on this. Well, I don't have them right here with me. Anyway, I think that when I get my BA I need to run as far and as fast away from this youth-sucking state as I can, which means I probably won't end up going to UCO, where they're offering tuition wavers for their school psychology program (did I mention? I think I've decided to be a school psychologist. It's the working schedule that swayed me, it would leave me with time to write) for people who sign agreements to work in Oklahoma for at least 3 years after they graduate. So on the one hand I think it would be idiotic to pass up free tuition to grad school, but on the other hand that means I would be trapped here for the next 9 years, putting me too damn close to 40 when I finally manage to flee.
So I think I'll be shopping around soon for some good out of state grad school programs. On the up side, thanks to the wonder of the Internet and Buffy fandom, I've got friends all over the country, so there are plenty of places I can go and still have at least one friend nearby. That's comforting.
In other news, if you share my insane love for Spike & Buffy, I've got a Yahoo group for you: The Clubhouse, for speculation about the 'ship and Spike's apparent road to redemption. The other mods and I are doing our best to keep it spoiler free.
Oh! I'm going to see Disney's Aida tomorrow. It looks like a great musical, but I fear the Disneyfied ending. Because you just know a Disney production isn't going to end with the lovers being buried alive. Probably after that I'll see The Count of Monte Cristo, because, Jim Caviezle (sp?) and Guy Pierce: Two great tastes that taste great together.
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