The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, January 14, 2002

This semester's gonna kick my ass.

It started badly. My first class was scheduled to be in a building that I didn't even know existed until last week. I found the building okay, but then had to wander for a while before I found the classroom, but when I did the door was locked and nobody else was trying to get in, so right there I wasn't too confident that I was in the right place. But while I was re-checking my schedule to make sure I had the building and room number right, another guy showed up for the same class, so I figured that if I was in the wrong place, at least I wasn't the only one. That made things better. I left him to go hunt down a pop machine, and found another entrance into the classroom, this one unlocked and wide open, with people inside. My confidence increased. I went to get the guy and tell him about the other door, and we both made it into the classroom. It was a small auditorium, with a closed circuit video set up. The class was supposed to be broadcast from one of the other campuses.

So there were four of us, waiting for the class to start. 20 minutes after time -- because apparently we were all either too goody-goody or too scared to take advantage of the 15 minute rule and just leave -- one of my classmates went to find a phone and call the Social Science department and find out why the hell our professor hadn't shown up yet. The woman whose phone she asked to borrow then said, oh yeah, she'd received an e-mail saying that our class was now going to be taught in person and as such had been moved to a different building, and she forgot to post a sign on the door. Dumbass. So anyway, I made it to my first class of the semester more than half an hour late, but at least I was in good company. On the upside, now all of my classes are in the same building again, and I'll have personal contact with the prof, which is good, because we'll be covering statistics (the class is Research Methods 2, by the way) and I'll need all the help I can get. It looks like it's going to be so very hard.

As does my Perspectives on Human Behavior class, in which I already have to write a two page report over the first chapter of our first book for this Wednesday. The syllabus shows a chapter report due on just about every day the class meets, and I swear I had to fight from putting my head down on my desk and crying. I got through last semester, and did quite well, by catching up on the reading when I had time for it. Sometimes it meant I had to lock myself up in a room for 36-hour marathon reading sessions, but still, it got me good grades, and allowed me to get my other stuff done. If I'm forced to spend a couple of hours reading the material every single night, I'll never get anything else done, ever, and I'll be one distressed little writer. But much to my relief the prof explained that the reports would be divided up among the class and we would each only be responsible for 2 short reports per book. Thank God. I'm not quite sure what to make of this professor, by the way. He was wearing a lumberjack shirt, which is unusual enough for a university professor, and he had a big belt buckle which I first thought said "Jesus Christ," and I wasn't sure whether it was a declaration of his Christianity or if it was a sign that he had a serious God-complex (seeing as so many men in these parts like to wear their names on their belt buckles); but then I got a better look at it and saw that it said "Jesus First," so I'm figuring it's the former. Which is good. But he tends to ramble, and he doesn't use powerpoint or any other visual aids, and the class is at 4 p.m. which is just not a good time of day for me to pay much attention to anything, and I kept zoning out. I'm thinking I'd better get some new batteries for my tape recorder for this class.

These are going to be my hardest two classes, I'm certain. I have a feeling they may very well be the most difficult classes of my entire undergrad career. So it should be an interesting semester. Tomorrow I'll have both of my psych classes, Clinical and Child psych. The Clinical psych class is the follow-up to Abnormal Psych, and I'll have the same professor, so I'm expecting -- nee, counting on -- it to be just as easy as last semester. And the Child Psychology class should be pretty easy to get through too, just because of the fact that I'll actually be fascinated by the subject matter. God, I hope I'm right and they're both easy enough to balance out the two classes I had today.


In other news ... hey, that David Boreanaz just keeps getting better at the acting thing, don't he? <SPOILERS>He played a very convincing crazy person. I was impressed. And, Angel luuuuuurves Cordy. Hee! Angel & Cordy, sittin' in a tree, gettin' crowded off the branch by Spike & Buffy! Hee! Oh, I just remembered that they kissed! I have to head over to the insane "Buffy & Angel 4-Eva!" forums to see if any of the B/A 'shippers' heads exploded. And again I say, Hee!</SPOILERS>


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