In the spirit of laziness I'm just going to share the comments I made at MBTV about last night's Buffy. Spoilers ahoy...
Can I get a big WOO HOO for Spike & Xander 'shippage? Okay, how 'bout just a little woo sans the hoo? At any rate, it made me happy.
I liked this episode. It's kind of nice going into these things wildfeed free, even if it is being forced upon me.
Things I liked:
"Truck." BWA! Except, it reminded me of that scene in Final Destination where that girl with the pretty hair gets hit by a bus, which was disturbing, and yet I was kind of disappointed that Glory didn't get obliterated the way that girl did. Anyway, it was to laugh.
Buffy standing up for Spike. Hee.
S/X bonding. See above.
Spike's mockery of Ben.
Spike grabbing the sword.
Spike calling Dawn "Sweetpea."
"I should have pinched that Porche I had my eye on. Then there would have been just enough room for me, you and Big Sis." Aw. Sort of.*
I guess you could say I pretty much loved all of the Spikeage.
Dawn bragging to the SG about how Buffy got her away from Glory, like Buffy was the coolest person in the universe. *SIGH* I'd love it if my little sister talked about me with that kind of enthusiasm.
Giles: "Yes, and then perhaps we can paint a clever picture of a tunnel on the side of a mountain." Heh.
The fact that Anya packed a skillet and Spam.
Anya's enthusiasm about getting to go on an RV ride. Screw the coming Apocalypse. This was her first road trip, and by God, she was going to enjoy it!*
The RV fight scene. What can I say? There was action, I was happy.
What I didn't like:
Willow's bedazzled shirt, and her so-not-necessary creepy black eyes. Are her eyes going to go black every time she does the witch-fu now?*
Spike's goggles. They frightened me.
The Chick!Not!Dreg. She frightened me, too.
I laughed at the Buffy carrying Dawn across campus scene. And not in a good way.
Giles' near death speech did not move me at all, and I tend to get pretty weepy at that sort of thing.
I was bugged by how every time something happened Willow and Dawn would call out to Buffy. I know it was supposed to add to her being overwhelmed and set up her catatonia, but there were a few times I thought, "What the hell is Buffy supposed to do for you? Just shut up and deal with it!" Case in point: when a knight was chopping through the gas station wall with an axe near Dawn's head. Instead of getting up and moving the hell away from the axe, she just sat there and hollered for Buffy. I was pissed, until I realized that the poor little girl obviously can't even run across grass without falling down, so, whatever. Put her on the short bus with Tara.
Anyway, poor Buffy. You know, sitting on the ground and going catatonic probably would have been my exact reaction the first time somebody put a stake in my hand and told me to go kill vampires (which is probably why I'll never be the Chosen One), so I have to give her props for coming this far before having that sort of meltdown.*
*comments that didn't make it into the MBTV post
As for Angel, cute episode, they had me going there for a few minutes, worrying that Gunn was going to leave, wondering if J. August Richards didn't renew his contract, and whining to my TV, "Come back, J! Don't leave us! Go save Cordy!" But it was just a big fakeout, so whatever. I'm glad. I love the Gunn & Wesley 'ship.
I loved the scene in the dungeon when Angel told G&W to be quiet so they both shuffled over to him, rattling their chains and making big noise as they went. Cracked me up.
Poor Cordy. I wonder what kind of tests they did to her. But it looks like it all worked out okay for her.
Does anybody else get the impression that Angel's feelings for Cordelia no longer fall under the category of platonic? Which is okay by me, if Angel falls for Cordy then maybe people will finally stop going on about Buffy/Angel love being a beautiful love that will last forever, blah blah blah soulmates. Because apparantly the obvious fact that Buffy is clearly meant to be with Spike isn't enough to convince them.
And I must say, I was rather peeved at how my boy got sunburned (not to mention cut, knocked around and chip-zapped) left and right (and maintained a pretty good attitude about it all, I might add), but Angel got to prance around in the sun with his nancy-boy self. Stupid Joss's pet. I was totally with Wesley there. "Yes, Angel, we're all heartily aware that you're not on fire." So shut up.
Next week: Angel vs. Angelus--literally. Looks good.
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