The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, May 03, 2001

I went out yesterday to have lunch at St. Louis Bread with Tess and the rest of our old lunch crew. While we were there this old man was sketching characatures of the other patrons on napkins. He did ours, and they were actually some pretty good likenesses. Tess kept it, but she's supposed to run me off a copy. When I get it I'll scan it in and post it up here.

After lunch I went to Borders to study. Before I left I bought a collection of Lovecraft stories. Confession: I've never read any H.P. Lovecraft before. For a horror aficionado like me, that's an embarrassing statement. So while waiting at Drug Warehouse for my scrip to be refilled, I read my first ever Lovecraft story, The Other. Neat. Of course, I won't feel truly initiated until I read something about Cthulhu, or Innsmouth; but I feel a bit better about being able to call myself a horror fan.

Between Borders and the drug store, I stopped at Wal-Mart to buy blank disks and office supplies. I don't know what it is about new office supplies that gives me such a happy. The promise of organization, I guess. Even though with me the promise goes unfulfilled 99% of the time, it's still nice to think for a little while that these sorters and folders and labels and such are going to straighten out my workspace, and subsequently my whole life. Ooh, I bought blank CDs, too, so I can finally try out my new CD burner. Yay!

Not today, though, because I've got two assignments, a quiz, and a test, all due by tomorrow, and next week I've got a final. Then I get to take a break until Fall, when, happy happy joy joy, I get to enroll in school full time. And take psychology classes and stuff. Then I'll be one of those obnoxious psych students who go around analyzing everybody and getting carried away with the DSM-IV, diagnosing everybody they meet. I bet you can't wait! I sure can't!


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