Why yes, in fact, this blog is all about Buffy. Well, not all, but mostly, and it will probably continue as such for at least the next three weeks. Then I'll have to find other things to talk about to get us through the summer.
Anyway. Buffy spoilers ahoy.
I love Spike. How ever much it's possible to be in love with a fictional character without being, you know, mental, that's how much I love Spike.
"Dawn's safe with Spike." Followed by, nobody bats an eye. Oh no. They're not making Spike a good guy. Not at all. Because he's a vampire and vampires are irredeemably EEEvil. Bah to that attitude! Bah, I say!
You know, the other day I remembered that my very first ever attempt at writing a novel right after high school was a story about whether it was possible for a vampire to be fully redeemed, in the Christian sense of the word. Leaving out the Christian part (because the Buffyverse never goes there, something for which I'm actually pretty glad), I think this would explain why I'm so fascinated by what they're doing with Spike. Plus, you know, James Marsters. 'Nuff said.
Buffy really likes poetry. Gee, can anybody think of anybody else on the show who digs poetry? Who in fact was once a poet? Who just happens to be in love with her? Nah. I'm sure that scene wasn't setting us up to go there. 'Cause Joss said no more vampire love. And Joss has never been known to tell us bald face lies to throw us off the trail.
Excuse me whilst I get up and perform my Happy 'Shipper Dance of Spike & Buffy Lurv.
Okay. Moving on. How freakin' wicked awesome scary was Willow? Quite a lot. And how menacing and creepy was Glory? Very much so. It's nice when the villains are actually scary. And how sad was the Tara brain suckage? Not very. Although I did feel bad for Willow. And Amber Benson's acting seemed to improve after the brain suck. I hope she gets better soon, because I don't want to have to watch too many episodes of Matronly Nursemaid Willow.
Next week: Road trip! I'll pack the CDs, you bring the Funyuns!
At any rate, except for the "Oh shit!" cliffhanger ending, the episode was kind of a downer. Thank God Angel was mostly funny. Except it frightens me when Angel smiles. It's just wrong. David Boreanaz was hired to be mysterious, brooding and cool. Why are they now trying to make him do comedy? He's the straight man, people! He's not supposed to be the one making the jokes!
Although, Lorn Green. HA!
Poor Wesley. I'm assuming that, like Giles, he comes from a long line of Watcher folk, so I guess his getting fired from the Council would be a pretty big burden to bear.
Does anybody else get the sense that they're trying to set us up to be pro Cordy & Angel? Because if so, they're doing a pretty decent job of it.
And it too was a cliffhanger, but more of the "Oh crap!" variety, as Cordelia so helpfully pointed out. Next week's looks fun, except we've got more Happy!Angel, which, as I said, frightens me. Angelus wasn't as frightening. At least with him, Hey! Leather pants!
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