Things I'm going to do once I'm only partially employed:
- Clean my carpet
- Finish the manuscript rewrites. That's right, I said finish them already, dammit!
- Submit finished manuscript to publisher
- Redesign!
- Finish reading 1984
- Read Pride and Prejudice
- Finish at least one of the short stories I started last year and try to sell it to somebody
- Have lunch w/ Terrence
- Have lunch w/ Tess & the post-Buffy crew (whom I haven't lunched with since their offices moved 'cross town)
- Sleep - never do this enough, currently
- BuffyCon!
- Sort and sell my X-Men comics (to get cash and make room for more Batman comics, you see)
- Label all of my Buffy videos
- Finish all of the fan fics I've started and then quit to write things I can actually try and sell
- earn a Psychology degree
- Re-acquaint myself with Ramen
- Step up the poodle maintenance--poor thing got his first hair cut in at least four months yesterday. Had to shave him clean because his fur was so matted. I'm a bad mother.
Damn. See all the stuff my job kept me from doing? I'll be busy and happy as a jobless clam for weeks before it starts to sink in that I'm poor. Especially if I can swing that new PC.
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