The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, March 15, 2001

I'm going to do so badly on the current segment of my math course. It's all due today, and I just managed to finish the reading last night. I just haven't been able to focus on it because of this job situation (more on that later). I have something like 15 problems to do, and I need a scientific calculator to do most of them, and I don't happen to own one of those. I probably need one for the quiz, too, come to think of it. I definitely need one for the test, which is tomorrow. I've been pulling all A's and high B's so far, so I suppose I can afford to fail one chapter, provided I pass the test and then get back on the high-performance horse for the rest of the semester. Looks like I'll be going calculator shopping after work tonight, though.

Speaking of the job situation, I met with HR yesterday. My last day here will be March 30, and I'll be getting a pretty good severance package. It will be enough that, combined with my as-yet-unspent bonus, I can go ahead and pay off that credit card, so I'm going to do that. I still need to figure out a way to get myself a new PC, though, so don't think any advice you gave me on that matter was wasted.

So. I suppose I should go work on some math, huh?


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