Y'know, I think probably the majority of setbacks in my life, both major and minor, can be attributed to one simple thing: bad timing.
Okay, so I've been working on this article query, wrote the letter, put together an outline, got it all ready to submit. I'm feelin' pretty darn good about myself. I've subscribed to Writer's Digest for years and years and years, and with all of their recent coverage of e-publishing and 'net journalism, they had yet, to my knowledge, to cover anything about weblogs. Me being a blogger and all, I figured I'd propose an article to remedy this. The article was pretty much written already (hell, the article pretty much writes itself). High off of my recent publication, I'm pretty confident. Should be cake, right?
So a few minutes ago I was sifting through my bill drawer, and waaaay at the bottom I found the December issue of WD, which I had not seen before.
You know what's next, don't you?
Yeah, that's right. There's an article on weblogs. Pretty much exactly the article I would have written. So, thanks for your help, Rich and Terrence, but it was all for naught.
Oh, but the article mentioned Zannah as an example of a good blog, so that's cool.
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