The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, December 27, 2000

Wha...? No, who! The semi-pro golfer brother? Which episode? Details, man, DETAILS!

My, what a week. It's an unusually wintery winter here in Northeastern Oklahoma, which is nice in that I haven't been to work since last Friday; but since I used up my last paid day off yesterday, it looks like I'll be putting in some extra hours once I finally do make it back there. Joy and happiness abound. Yeah.

I did make it into town last Saturday before all of the yuck hit us, and saw Wes Craven's Dracula 2000, which I actually enjoyed. I mean, I expected to enjoy it, but I expected it to be a lot cheesier than it was, which was not very. It was actually done pretty well, with an interesting plot twist that I didn't see coming, but I guess that's what ol' Wes is good at. And Johnny Lee Miller. Yum. Which leads one to think, how in the HELL does one go from divorcing someone like Johnny Lee Miller to marrying a gnarly old skeez like Billy Bob Thornton? It boggles the mind.

Sunday was a typical Christmas Eve, except that when mom and I got home from church and dinner, we realized that we'd run completely out of propane and had no heat. Thankfully, it was the propane company's fault that we'd run out (they'd skipped this month's routine fill-up), so they got somebody out by midnight to fill our tank. That was a blessing, especially considering that the storm that followed knocked out power in several nearby towns and a lot of people around here have spent the last few days, including Christimas, without any heat.

So everyone who'd been dreaming of a white Christmas got one, and as a result my sister and her husband couldn't make it out to the house for Christmas dinner. It pretty much snowed and sleeted all day long Christmas day, then there was another storm last night that dropped another layer of ice on us. Naturally, my car hasn't been out of the driveway. I went out a while ago and chipped it out from under all the ice and made a path up the driveway to the road. It's supposed to warm up a bit tomorrow, so barring any more frozen crap getting dumped on us, I ought to make it into the office tomorrow. 'Course, it'll probably take me two hours to get there, but at least I'll be able to put in some time this week. Woo.


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