The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, May 01, 2000

My intense feeling of well-being has worn off. Maybe 'cause it's Monday, maybe 'cause I didn't go to church yesterday, maybe 'cause my St. John's Wort, ginseng, caffeine & Ritalin cocktail hasn't kicked in yet. Or maybe it's 'cause the reality of deadlines has penetrated my zen-like ponderings and now I'm stressed over having not worked on anything over the weekend.

I'm just really tired, and feeling oh-so-uncreative.

It was a relaxing weekend, though. I went to dinner with my mom, helped my nephew with his homework, had a nice chat with my sister-in-law, read some magazines, went to the mall with Tess, and saw two movies ("Return to Me" and "Frequency"), both of which were much better than I expected. I actually woke up this morning feeling pretty jazzed and really good about life, the universe and everything. That feeling had pretty well depleted itself by the time I got to the office. Funny how a forty-five minute commute in heavy, ass-hole laden traffic will sap you of every ounce of good humor.

Maybe I'll feel better after lunch.


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