The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Saturday, July 13, 2002

I've finished the first draft of DL 3.6, yay. Also posted the first installment of my post-"Grave" fic that's really not a post-"Grave" fic, Perfect World (the link's over there above James's pretty head).

Speaking of pretty James, here are a bunch of pictures from his band's concert at Club Med World in Paris last week. I haven't had time to look through them all yet, but from what I've seen he's got the whole rock star thing down. So adorable.

Anyway. I'm doing much better than I was the other day. I've gotten good advice about the work study/loan dilemma, and I'm thisclose to getting the band booked at the club they most want to play, so things are looking up on those fronts. I'm taking a break from writing today and going to a movie and non-shopping with Tess tonight, who, by the by, thinks she just may have saved a hard copy of the story my satanic cat destroyed. I don't know yet whether to see the new Halloween or Reign of Fire. I'm jonesing pretty badly to see both. I'll have to make her choose. Though somehow I think Christian Bale's gonna be the clincher.

I was going to answer e-mail today but I overslept a lot and now I have to go get ready to go out. So I'll be doing that when I get back home tonight. I'd never caught up on the loads and loads of e-mail from before, and now I've got a whole new batch. Getting a lot of good feedback on Perfect World, and for that I thank you all. I'm going to try my best to answer everybody individually. But I've been so neglectful of everything but my writing lately that I even have a backlog of e-mail from friends that I'd better sit down and answer if I want to keep them as friends. It's gonna be a long, e-mail writin' night tonight.


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