I've finished the first draft of DL 3.6, yay. Also posted the first installment of my post-"Grave" fic that's really not a post-"Grave" fic, Perfect World (the link's over there above James's pretty head).
Speaking of pretty James, here are a bunch of pictures from his band's concert at Club Med World in Paris last week. I haven't had time to look through them all yet, but from what I've seen he's got the whole rock star thing down. So adorable.
Anyway. I'm doing much better than I was the other day. I've gotten good advice about the work study/loan dilemma, and I'm thisclose to getting the band booked at the club they most want to play, so things are looking up on those fronts. I'm taking a break from writing today and going to a movie and non-shopping with Tess tonight, who, by the by, thinks she just may have saved a hard copy of the story my satanic cat destroyed. I don't know yet whether to see the new Halloween or Reign of Fire. I'm jonesing pretty badly to see both. I'll have to make her choose. Though somehow I think Christian Bale's gonna be the clincher.
I was going to answer e-mail today but I overslept a lot and now I have to go get ready to go out. So I'll be doing that when I get back home tonight. I'd never caught up on the loads and loads of e-mail from before, and now I've got a whole new batch. Getting a lot of good feedback on Perfect World, and for that I thank you all. I'm going to try my best to answer everybody individually. But I've been so neglectful of everything but my writing lately that I even have a backlog of e-mail from friends that I'd better sit down and answer if I want to keep them as friends. It's gonna be a long, e-mail writin' night tonight.
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