From adjrun: "Any time you want to work together again? Just say the word."
This, by the by, was attached to her final scenes for Episode 3 of Restoration, which is finally up in its entirety at And I just want to say thanks to adj for making my first co-writing experience an extremely gratifying one. I can't imagine that we won't be working together again some time in the near future.
I've started sending out bits of Getaway to my beta readers. I'm hoping to finish it before new episodes start up again and I lose all interest in writing it. It's one of those stories where I know exactly what happens every step of the way, it's just a matter of finding time to write it all down. I also wrote the first scene of DL 3.6 tonight. Funny how I tend to get all inspired when I'm supposed to be writing papers for school. In this case, an analytical/diagnostic look at a case study from the behavioral perspective of psychology. Gee, my brain would rather write fiction? Go figure.
Which reinforces my belief that I had damned well better figure out how to make it in this world as a fiction writer, because that is the only thing I can imagine that I'd be happy doing day in and day out for the rest of my life. I'm taking steps. A couple of others on the DL crew also have original ideas they'd like to try and turn into novels, or at the very least publishable short stories, so I think we're going to start a group to help push each other along. I'm actually very excited about this, and I can't wait to get started on my new novel. It will have to wait until the semester is over, but that's just three more weeks. I'm already entertaining fantasies about selling my manuscript for enough to pay off my student loans and not having to worry about getting into grad school because I'll no longer be in need of a fallback career. Wouldn't that be nice?
As for my last novel, Fearful Symmetry, I've decided to write that one off as practice. I'd like to post it on this site, but my kitten has apparently hidden the disk that it's on. It's probably in the same place as my Strunk & White and my videotape containing both hours of "What's My Line." The kitty, she's not so cute when she hides my things. Nor is she so cute when she's in heat, which she is now, which seems to be a pretty constant state for her these days. Another thing I'm going to do as soon as school's out is get her neutered. But I digress. As soon as I find that disk, FS will be going up here, so you can either tell me how it's a shame I didn't try harder to get it published because it totally deserves to be, or you can mock it and me and pity me and my delusions of grandeur. Your call.
Something else I'm going to do as soon as school is out: clean the clutter off my desk. And probably find my disk, and my S&W, and my missing videotape in the process, after which I'll have to feel bad about blaming the cat. But in the meantime I'll just keep assuming that it's her fault.
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