**WARNING: Contains language. Sissy, please don't show your class my blog. Jeremy, you shouldn't be reading this page in the first place. Anyone else with delicate sensibilities, I don't feel like censoring myself today, so be warned.**
I woke up at an ungodly hour this morning to the sounds of my dog screaming in pain. Scared the crap out of me. I was afraid I kicked him out of bed or rolled on top of him or something and further damaged one of his gimpy little legs. It turned out there was nothing wrong with him, he was just dreaming. I woke him up, and it took about ten minutes of petting to get him to stop shaking. I've owned and cared for a lot of different dogs in my lifetime, and I've never seen one have a nightmare like that. So today I'm pissed off all over again at his previous owners. The people who let his allergies get so out of control that he chewed off most of his fur and a good deal of his skin. Also the people who apparently allowed him to break his leg in two different places (fuckwads probably broke it themselves) and let it heal back wrong. The same people who apparently dumped him rather than taking him to a shelter or bothering to find him another home because he was too high maintenance (and really, he's not. Unless you consider a cortizone shot every 6 months to be high maintenance). The people who, I'm guessing, are showing up in dreams that make the little guy scream like something is killing him. Probably reliving getting his leg broken. Fuckers. I really hate those people. Can somebody please explain to me why people like that think they have any business having pets in the first place? Are people really so blinded by the cuteness of the fuzzy, warm puppy that they forget that it actually has needs and will have to be taken care of? And if they do figure out that they just can't handle that much committment, is it really that difficult to take it down to the SPCA, or the local vet, or hell, even the pound instead of dumping it on a country road and leaving it to fend for itself? Who the hell does that to a toy poodle? I mean, really, what kind of cold, remorseless sociopath do you have to be to do that to this?
I hate those people. Oh yes I do.
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