The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Gack! I thought I'd be through with writing papers today, but I just got all of the input from my group in this afternoon's class. Also, I've been spending the last few months researching cults from the psychological perspective, and the woman who was assigned the sociological perspective got confused and researched the psychological. This I found out last night, about an hour before the library closed. So I ran to the library and pulled up some research materials on sociological research on cults. Thank God for J-stor, is all I have to say. So we managed to cobble together a somewhat respectable presentation for our turn in class today, but the paper itself isn't due until Thursday. I'll be working on it right up until then. Once that's done I just have finals. Then I get a whole month off! Whee!

All of my work would probably be coming along a lot faster if I could just manage to keep myself out of the Spike forums. *SIGH* My Spike & Buffy obsession has reached levels that even I find disturbing. The, um, releasing of tension between them -- yeah, that's a nice way to put it -- only made it worse. I guess it's a good thing we've got a month full of reruns. Maybe I can actually get some stuff done once the semester's over.

One thing I'm going to do as soon as I'm done with school work is start peddling the last short story I had time to write. The last one that wasn't a fanfic, I mean. The one that the Scientologists rejected. And I swear I'm going to finish up my current fanfic commitments and then go to work on getting my novel ready to sell. I'm afraid to even look at it. It's sat in a drawer for so long that I just know I'm going to hate it when I pull it out and read it again. And I'm terrified of turning it over to my ruthless team of beta-readers. I'll have to really psych myself up for being open to criticism so that their feedback doesn't make me have to go get in bed and curl up into a little ball. Also, by God, I'm going to read a book! That has nothing to do with school! I may finally finish American Gods (so sorry, Mr. Gaiman, my life got in the way of that one). And maybe even Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister. And my nephew gave me all of his Harry Potter books, so I now own the whole series, though I haven't read a single word of it yet. I've big plans for my Christmas vacation, oh yes indeed. I might even find time in there somewhere to celebrate the birth of the Lord. Here's hopin'!


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