The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, November 15, 2001

One paper down, two to go. And I am seriously sleep deprived. There are also tests. One this Tuesday, and one the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, both over material that I have yet to read. The one this Tuesday has me scared, because it's over a buttload of material that, like I said, I haven't even started reading yet. I've a feeling I'm going to have to forego my little sister's 21st birthday party tomorrow night so I can stay home and read. I don't think she'll mind too much, it was a pity invitation anyway. She had no intention of inviting me until she slipped up and invited our nephew in front of me. She thinks I'm an old fogey. She also thinks that I left her bachelorette part early (if you can call leaving a party at 5 AM leaving early) because I was upset at seeing her drinking. I can't convince her that it was because being the only non-smoker in a poorly ventilated room full of chainsmokers was making me nauseated and miserable. Anyway, I do intend to make time to see Harry Potter this weekend, but I think that will be the extent of my socialization until the end of the semester.

I'm skipping my abnormal psych class because I'm just too brain-dead to sit through another class this morning. I made it to my social problems seminar and got my paper turned in, so I'm doing good in my book. I have to be back on campus by 2 to meet with my group for the other group paper I have to write, but right now I'm going to go nap. Or maybe lie on the couch and rewatch this week's Buffy. 'Cause, damn, that one was funny, and my lord, those were some intense smoochies. I think I'm getting to where I can watch Buffy kiss Spike without sqealing like a twelve year old at an N*Sync concert and startling my pets, but I could use some more practice.

I think I'll try to hold the actual nap off until after I get back from the library, so I'll be well rested tonight and thus better able to scream at my TV about how Lindsey is a skanky, whiney bitch and would they PLEASE vote her off already, and if not her, then Brandon, because he's also a whiney little bitch, and also smug, and I hate smugness. And then go laugh at the Tick, where thankfully nobody can get voted off, because I love them all. Well, jury's still out on Captain Liberty, but Bat Manuel rocks.


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