The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, March 07, 2001

This kid in my Joker Forum posted this morning to say that they're on the verge of getting suspended from school because a teacher noticed that they wrote several Joker quotes in their notebook and decided that they were threats. You know, it goes without saying that the recent school shootings are tragic, and I can't blame school administrators for being paranoid, but let's get a grip, people. The problem won't be solved by treating every kid who doesn't fit the mold like a criminal. I mean, damn! That kid in California out-and-out told everybody what he was going to do, for criminy's sake, and nobody did a thing about it; meanwhile we've got angsty misfit teens all across the country who already feel like outcasts being made to feel even more so by administrators who freak out over the teeniest sign of individuality.

You know, honestly, I don't think Terrence and I would have made it through high school in this kind of climate. We probably would have both been expelled, as would all of our friends.


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