Congrats on the apartment, Eleni. Except for, you know, the part about the smell.
I was up too. damn. late. last night, revising a fan fic (yeah, I know) and trying to upload a song to my web account to go with the next DL installment. Actually, uploading it wasn't the problem. It was getting ahold of it in the first place. I'd originally downloaded it at work, and from there stored it at e24/7, but apparantly they've been doing upgrades the last few days, so I couldn't get there from home to download the stupid song. Wait, not stupid song. Stupid storage site. It's a good song. The site's not really stupid, either, since once they finally finished their upgrades around midnight last night their stuff worked better than it ever has before. But I had to wait till midnight to be able to log on, which was just damned inconvenient. In the meantime, I reinstalled Napster on my craptop, and tried to get the song that way, but I was quickly reminded why I deleted Napster in the first place. It's utterly useless if you're connecting from anything less than an ISDN line. My little 56K modem didn't stand a chance. I won't miss my job, but I'm going to miss my work computer (with its high speed DSL connection) so, so much.
Anyway, today I'm sleep deprived and grumpy. Which is really nothing unusual, come to think of it.
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