So, the weekend:
Saturday morning I slept in later than usual, but thanks to the satellite dish and KTLA I still got my Batman Beyond fix. Afterwards I was glad I slept in, because that episode wasn't really worth getting up for. After getting around for the day, I violated my "no internet on the weekends except to check movie times" rule, because I needed to do some responsible things, like check the Guru listings, answer some e-mail, and check the score on my math quiz (which, by the way, I aced--yay on me!); but first I thought I'd take a teensy little peek at the spoiler thread on the Buffy boards, because, you know, I'm an obsessive spoilerwhore. That little peek led me to this spoilerific interview with David Fury and James Marsters, et al, which did a pretty decent job of ripping my heart out of my chest and squeezing it dry of every last little drop of hope for a Spike and Buffy pairing, which left me pretty bummed. So then I spent pretty much the entire afternoon on the boards, mourning along with my fellow delusional Spike & Buffy 'shippers/spoilerwhores. But being as that we are delusional, we managed to convince ourselves that David Fury's pants are totally on fire, and that his comments were all just part of Joss Wheden's elaborate campaign of misinformation intended to keep us spoiler dealers in the dark, and that there is still hope. That put me in a decent enough mood to go see Hannibal with Tess. But between a stop at Chick-Fil-A and the movie, we had some time to shop, and we each ended up buying a copy of Pretty Maids All In a Row. Tess was actually a bit reluctant to buy a copy at first, but peer pressure works. Which was good for me, because I didn't want to be the only one going up to the counter with a Buffy book. I mean, I'm almost 28 years old, people. I may be pretty shameless, but at least I do realize when I should be embarrassed by my odd little fangirl obsessions.
So then we went to the movie, where we stood in line for about 45 minutes, which so wasn't worth it. Afterwards, we spent a good deal of time complaining about the ways in which it deviated from the book, and then I dropped Tess off and went home to watch Xena. I'm glad I did, because Kevin Smith rocks. And he looks good doing it. Still wired, I tried to get back on the Buffy boards, but as I mentioned earlier, they were down. Which is probably a good thing, otherwise I'd have squandered my entire Sunday there.
I made a pact with one of my fellow delusional Spike & Buffy shipper/spoilerwhores (in fact, she's the president of the Delusional Spike & Buffy 'Shipper/Spoilerwhore Club. That's right, there's a club. I'm vice president. We're working on a better name) to avoid as much as possible any detailed spoilers for tomorrow night's episode, and in an effort to help each other through, we agreed to write up phony early-bird episode synopses for each other. So since I still didn't feel like sleeping, and couldn't get on the boards, I did that.
Amazingly enough, after having stayed up most of the night writing fake spoilers, which I do realize is really kind of sad, I still managed to drag my butt out of bed and go to church, where the pastor managed to work a brief diatribe against cussing into the sermon, and I was much ashamed, for about five minutes, but then I got over it--but that's fodder for a whole 'nother entry. After church I went home and finished my fake spoilers and sent them to their rightful recipient. Then I did some laundry and spent the rest of the afternoon reading my Spike & Dru novel, which is really pretty good so far, which makes me feel better about buying it.
And then there was X-Files. Was Scully's decision to stay behind and monitor the situation an actual indication that she's pregnant? Because if so it was the first one since the beginning of the season. Oh well, at least they're finally going to get around to that plotline next week. And speaking of which, it looks like they've finally succeeded in making me really like Doggett just in time for Mulder's return, which is kind of a shame, because I have a feeling once Mulder's back I won't give a rat's ass about Doggett anymore. But I could be wrong. Either way, I'm going to be might PO'd if we go the entire season without seeing any Krycheck. CSM I can live without, just give me some Ratboy and I'll be happy.
Lessons learned/conclusions reached this weekend: David Fury sucks; Hannibal doesn't live up to the hype; just because a book is based on a TV show doesn't mean it's not a great read; forums are addictive; David Boreanaz is a collossal goober (did you see him on Letterman? I was embarrassed for him); The X-Files doesn't completely suck this season; Nikita's father is The Equalizer, and that's cool; I am entirely too invested in the fate of a fictional vampire, and I get entirely too worked up over the actor who plays the aforementioned vampire, both of which are probably good signs that I need a boyfriend. Or at least a crush who isn't accessible only through my television.
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