The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, February 26, 2001

I went to take the first test for my math class on Saturday. I had to take it on campus since I don't have a procter at home to keep me from cheating while I take it online. The testing center was only open until 1, and I got there at noon. I'd planned to get there by 11, but a combination of oversleeping and needing to cram some more kept me from leaving the house that early.

So like I said, I got there at noon. I went inside and asked the administrator for the test. It went a little something like this:

Me: "I need to take a test for an online class."

Admin, who shall henceforth be known as Hateful Snot: "What class?"

Me: "Mathematics for Critical Thinking. Professor Grenier."

Hateful Snot: "You know, this test has a 90 minute time limit."

Me: "Okay."

HS: "We close in an hour."

Me: "Okay."

HS: "Everybody who's come in here to take it has needed the entire 90 minutes."

Me: "Wow."


Me: "I guess I'll just have to do the best I can then, won't I? Shouldn't I get started?"

Hateful Snot made a snotty little noise and rolled her eyes so far back into her head I thought she might be having some kind of seizure, then let me sign in and gave me the test.

As I turned the finished test in to her 40 minutes later:

Me: "It really took people 90 minutes to finish this thing?"

HS (kurtly): "Yes."

Me: "Wow. It only had, like, 10 questions."

HS: "I'll sign you out."

Me: "Have a nice day."

Such a people person, that girl. Anyway, I believe I did well on the test. I'm generally having much less trouble with this class than I thought I would, and I breezed through the exam, so either I completely misunderstood everything and totally failed it, or I really had my shit together and aced it. I expect it was the latter. So yay on me.

I've been feeling a little burned out this week, as you might have gathered if you've been reading along, so after taking the test and running a couple of errands, I went home and, except for church, stayed there the rest of the weekend. Saturday night was a Buffy night. I watched the original movie, which still cracks me up. Especially Hillary Swank as Proto-Cordelia. And I'm ashamed to say, Paul Reuben's death scene still slays me. Here's some Buffy trivia: Did you know that Seth "Oz" Green had a small role in the movie, but his scene got edited out? I saw this once on an online Buffy trivia quiz. So if you're ever in a trivia contest and you get asked which cast member had parts in both the show and the movie, you'll ace this question. Really. No thanks necessary. Just doing a public service.

Anyway, I followed up the movie with a screening of "Welcome to the Hellmouth" and "Harvest," and I must admit, I almost had a breakdown every time Joyce appeared onscreen. Joyce--so young, so vibrant, so... not dead. Excuse me... I, I have something in my eye.

Whew. Anyway, Sunday, I went to church, and my little sister and her husband showed up, which was nice, but so did her psychotic stalker ex, which was just freaky. He didn't cause any trouble, though, and they managed to avoid him. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I kept trying to read, but I kept dozing off, so finally I gave up and went to bed until it was time for Andromeda. Following that were X-Files and La Femme Nikita, which only has one new episode left and then I can get off that crazy train, and then I went back to bed to sleep the sleep of the really very tired.

And now it's Monday, and I get to start the whole cycle over again. But at least there's a new Buffy to look forward to tomorrow night. For those of you who just can't wait, or who need time to emotionally prepare yourselves, here are some spoiler links:


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