Hello. My name is Jean, and I'm a Buffy-holic.
I can tell my obsessions are for real when I start spending money on them. Saturday night I went into Sam Goody's to buy a new Dragon Ball Z video and came out instead with
the Buffy & Angel Chronicles. Between that and all of the BtVS merchandise I bought just to get myself a Spike figure, I've spent close to $100 on Buffy in the last week. That's probably more than Riley ever spent on her. Heh. I amuse myself. And only myself, I'm sure.
So of course yesterday, after church (yes! I went to church! A resolution kept!), I spent the entire day watching them. Since Tulsa didn't get a WB station until last year, I'd missed out on the first three seasons of BtVS, so everything I knew about the whole Buffy & Angel rigmarole was hearsay. It was nice to witness it all firsthand. But man, what a downer. Every single episode in that set was a tear-jerker. Sure, there was a touch of the usual snarky humor, mostly from Spike, natch (every time he opens his mouth he just makes me love him more), but not enough to balance things out as per usual. I wasn't quite prepaired for just how downright mean Evil Angelus was, and all Sarah Michelle Gellar had to do was bug out her eyes and quiver her lip and I'd be reaching for the Kleenex(tm). The whole thing left me emotionally drained. Not the usual Buffy-viewing experience. They really should put a warning on the box or something. I mean, damn.
Even so, I'm still not on board the "Buffy & Angel 4-ever" train. When you strip it down to the bare essentials, even at it's best it was still a jailbait/pedophile romance, which is just icky, and I'm glad they've both moved on. As for the other 'ships, I was almost swayed into the Xander & Willow camp, but not quite, because just how perfect were Willow & Oz together? Damn, I miss Oz. And damn, I hate Tara. Damn Seth Green and his movie career.
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