The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, January 29, 2001

BlogVoices is back up, so snark away (I'm glad I didn't get around to removing it. Sometimes it pays to be lazy).

Not much to say about Shadow of the Vampire. I'd make with the puns and say it bit (HA!), but it had too much that was good (Willem Dafoe's performance as Max Schreck, John Malkovich (he's always good), and Carey Elwes and Eddie Izzard, both of whom did good and neither of whom I expected to see, so they were a nice surprise) to be bad, and it had too much that wasn't so good (excruciatingly slow pacing, for one thing) to be great. Although, I think I might have enjoyed it more if I hadn't been distracted by the audience throughout most of the movie. I'd rant on that in detail, but that really deserves it's own post, and I really don't feel like getting into it.

Not much to say about my long weekend, either. Going to the movie and going to church on Sunday were the only times I left the house. The rest of the time I spent sleeping, reading, studying, or watching TV (and yes, I watched the soaps. Timmy really is a doll!). I did no writing whatsoever. Everything was input. Maybe if I get enough input eventually my brain will explode (figuratively, natch) and start creating some output.

I'm told there was a football game last night, but I didn't watch it, because I don't care, and I figure I can catch the commercials on AdCritic. I did, however, stay up past my bedtime to watch Survivor, because I care way more than I should.

I was hoping Deb would get booted real quick-like, so I liked how that worked out. Starting with Deb, if they're voting people off in order of obnoxiousness, then Kimmi's days are numbered. If, however, it's going in order of attractiveness, then it's going to come down to Texas or Military Guy. Yum. I don't suppose either of them will have a penchant for baring their naked ass every chance they get...

Speaking of which, I don't sense any of the Pure Evil that was Richard Hatch. But neither do I sense any of the True Grit that was Rudy Boesch, so I just don't know yet who to root for.


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