The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Saturday, December 30, 2000

It looks like Peter and Erich are both doing their best to kick writer's block's ass. Good for them. Me, I sat down to work on my manuscript today and, after staring ineffectually at the screen for about 25 minutes, ended up playing hearts. Badly, too. I came in last.

So then I made a New Year's resolution to become more disciplined and to take this writing thing seriously. I went over my schedule and figured out that if I tape Roswell, Ed, & ER and watch them on the weekends, and give up sitcoms altogether (leaving myself Tuesday nights (and Fridays once Sci-Fi starts up new episodes of their Friday Prime lineup again) for guiltless televised happiness, natch), and if I start getting up an hour earlier in the mornings, that will give me at least 14 hours a week to devote to writing.

Coming home from work and not crashing in front of the TV will be hard, but it's the bit about getting up early that really kind of frightens me. I'm just not a morning person; but, I did it before (that's how I got my oft' drafted novel written in the first place), so I suppose I can do it again. It'll be a test of endurance.

Once I set my schedule, I got myself some goals. Goal number one is to wrap up this set of rewrites and stop tinkering with the damned book and just submit it already. Goals two through at least five are to finish all of the other stories I started then abandoned. That includes a short story and a screenplay, and a second novel. There are also some fan fics in there that aren't important enough to stress about since I'll never show them to anybody anyway, but it would still be nice to finish them.


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