The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Friday, December 15, 2000

I finally made it to work (good thing too, since I'm down to my last paid day off), thanks to my big brother, who spent the majority of yesterday digging our cars out of the snow. We got no less than a foot of snow in my neck of the woods, which may not seem like much to you Yanks, but down here that is a hell of a lot of snow, and we were all pretty ill prepared to deal with it.

Yesterday I finally gave up on feeling guilty and needing to be productive, and gave myself a little holiday. I'm now caught up on all of my comics and Netflix rentals. Among the latter was Brazil. Since it's one of my brother's favorite movies, and since he was working so hard digging out and winterizing my car, I waited until he was finished, then we (we being him, me, and our mom, whose birthday was yesterday. I gave her a Van Gogh jigsaw puzzle. I'm pretty sure she liked it. She was supposed to go to a Christmas party last night, but it was cancelled due to the snow. I think she had a good birthday anyway.) popped popcorn and made snow icees and settled in to watch the movie. What a wierd, wondrous flick. I liked it, but I think that if I watch it again without my mom asking questions and my brother giving a running commentary of all of his favorite scenes I'll get to like it even more. At any rate, it made me think of the news that Terry Gilliam will be directing the film version of Good Omens, which made me all giddy over how good that film should be, provided the studio doesn't do anything to fowl it up.

There are thirty messages in my Outlook inbox, and I haven't even checked my personal e-mail yet. I had best get to it, hadn't I?


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