It's snowing now, which is nice, guess, because if you're going to be stuck at home anyway, you might as well have something pretty to look at. Of course, this doesn't bode well for my chances of getting to work tomorrow. For all of my complaining, I actually would like to be able to get into the office for at least a little while, because my computer there is so much nicer than this little old piece of crap laptop with the 28.8 modem that I'm working on now. Plus, there's the added bonus of being able to work without the constant presence of a poodle in my lap. One who, apparantly, has just taken to reaching his paw out and randomly slapping at keys while I'm trying to type. I think it's a bid for even more attention. Lord, but this dog is needy.
The Original Blog O' Jean
Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.
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