It's Wednesday morning, a.k.a. "the morning after," and you know what that means.
Spoilers ahoy ...
So. All that build-up, a year of speculating about what's up with Tara, and ... nothing. She's not a demon, she's not half-demon, she's not even a little bit evil. She just comes from a really screwed up family.
A bit of a let down, if you ask me.
Spike made up for it, though, as usual. Spike rules. On an aside, I stayed up to watch James Marsters on Politically Incorrect last Friday, and was pretty irritated by that loud mouthed windbag sitting next to him who wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise. Though, the few comments he did manage to squeeze in just made me love him even more. Anyway ...
Here's something I really never thought I'd ever say: Xander and Anya are possibly the most adoreable couple on prime time television.
Speaking of adoreable couples, I loved the way Xander and Riley were wrestling and kidding each other. Riley actually felt like a good fit last night. Don't tell me they're going to make me really like him just in time to watch him leave.
On Angel ...
I actually enjoyed this episode more than Buffy. I think Wesley has finally completed his evolution into a really good character. I hardly miss Doyle at all any more. Alexis Denisof's comedic timing just gets better and better. It was nice to see ol' Wes kick some ass, too.
I think I officially like Gunn now. I can't think of any one thing that cemented it, but he's been gradually growing on me, and last night he felt like a good fit.
That thing that Angel did with that fishing rod? That was pretty cool right there.
"You were in Virginia?"
"That's beside the point."
Virginia, by the way, used to play a vampire in that short-lived vampire drama on Fox, "Kindred: The Embraced." I was really into that show, while it lasted. She had really pretty hair. I wish I could make my hair look like that.
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