The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, August 07, 2000

But mostly I slept all weekend. I was really very tired, and felt like hell because my hayfever was acting up. Saturday, though, I dragged myself out of bed in time enough to clean house before going to the movie. My mom was out of town again all week, and I let the house go to pot, and thought that it might be considerate of me to have it back to the way she left it by the time she returned. Whilst I cleaned, I listened to my entire Queen collection, which I don't think I've ever done before, at least not all in one stretch. I tend to forget how much I really like that band.

It began when I was a wee thing, when my brother, 9 years my senior and the epitome of cool, would hole up in his room, locking me out, and blaring News of the World throughout the house until our dad would regain consciousness and scream at him to turn it down. I've been a Queen fan ever since. Thankfully, my older sister's incessant playing and replaying of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack didn't leave as permanent an impression on me, at least not a good one. Although she really is to blame for my unabashed love for Styx.


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