The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, June 15, 2000

Well, I didn't get around to the e-mails today. I'm not intentionally neglecting them (well, maybe the past couple of days I have been, because let's face it, as much fun as e-mail is, it can also be a pain in the arse ... there's a lot of spam and declined credit card notifications in there to weed through, folks). I rememberd today that I'm being sent to an all day training session tomorrow, and therefore all of those things which must be done by week's end that I planned to do tomorrow I found I must actually do today. In other words, I'm busy. And since I'll be in class all day tomorrow, you won't get your e-mail then, either. And since my ISP sucks like Phil Collins, I most likely won't be online all weekend, so you won't get your e-mail then, either.


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