The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Friday, June 23, 2000

Crap. I was just rummaging through my little pop-up weblogs menu looking for Impudite. Not there. Oh yeah, I was going to list his full title. Wait, no, it's not under T, either. Crap.

Erich, sweetie, I promise, I didn't leave you out on purpose. In recompense, I shall blog your site once every day, or at least every day that you update, until such time as I am able to add you back to my permanent links. Look, you're already up by two.

I'm not sure I'm in love with this menu I'm using. You can't go in and simply add or remove a link. If you want to make a change, no matter how minor, you have to scrap it and reconfigure the whole thing from scratch, which becomes more annoying with each item I realize I left out. I don't know if this problem exists with the registered version, but I don't think it's worth paying $20 to be able to edit when I can get an easily editable javascript pop-up menu for free.

It seemed like a nifty idea at the time, though.


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