Ah, the joys of an entirely unproductive weekend. Well, not entirely unproductive ... I did some laundry yesterday. It was either that or come to work without any underwear. Nobody wants that.
Otherwise I spent my weekend pretty much exactly the way I said I would. I didn't rent any movies, but between Herules, Xena, Brisco County reruns, and various B-movies on cable, I still managed to get my Bruce Campbell fix. That guy is everywhere. I even found some time to read, though not as much as I'd anticipated, so I'm only about a third of the way into my current book. I was hoping to finish it.
Mostly I spent the weekend bonding with my dog. I started him on Benadryl, which seems to be helping, because he only has to stop to scratch every few minutes instead of every few seconds, and I found some salve that I used to use on Mitzi whenever her hair would fall out around her flea bites (I always end up with these sickly, allergic dogs; I hope this isn't a foreshadowing of what my kids will be like), and put that on his legs. It seems to be doing a fairly decent job of keeping him from chewing on his sores.
I actually tried to get his pictures online this weekend, but my ISP wouldn't cooperate. I need to take new pictures and put them up, too. After only a week, he doesn't look like the same dog I brought home. He's becoming comfortable enough in his surroundings to start acting territorial, he's confident enough now that he doesn't have to stick to me like glue and has begun to explore the house, and, despite his lack of fur in several places, he's just as cute as a button. I can't wait until he's all healed and settled and his true personality comes all the way out. I really think this dog and I are going to like each other.
Now that I've gotten more rest than I could stand, my creative energies are returning, and I do believe it's time to get serious about writing again. And I don't mean just sitting around with my serious face and pondering the art of wordsmithing, either. Tonight I'm going to resume my regular sojourns to Borders and start actively writing again. Yay, me. What I'm going to write about, I don't yet know, but it's the process that's important at this point, and not so much the result. At least, that's what I'll tell myself as I stare at that blank paper trying to get the words to come.
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