The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Friday, June 09, 2000

There was something reflective and poignant that I wanted to say here, but I can't remember what it was.

I'm going to go to Wal-Mart and buy some foodstuffs and allergy medications for my dog, then I'm going to go home and begin my weekend of solitude, during which I will watch The Invisible Man, which airs tonight, and Gormenghast (finally!), which begins tomorrow night. Seeing as how my new obsession are Evil Dead movies and Bruce Campbell, I'm debating on whether to stop off at the video store and rent some movies. And if I do, I'm debating on whether to watch the Evil Dead movies again, or try for something with Bruce Campbell in it that I've not seen before. Yeah, I know, these obsessions kind of get on my nerves, too. The interesting thing about having mild OCD and ADD at the same time is that just when my obsessions/compulsions start to become too pervasive, I get distracted and move on to something else for a while. But each of the objects of my obsessions always continue to hold a special place in my heart long afterwards.

At least I've never carried on like this over actual people (not counting certain actor-types). It's not like I'm a stalker or anything. Just a fangirl.

I may or may not be online this weekend. It depends both on how I feel and on how my ISP behaves.

Also, I may or may not upload those pics of Fizgig. See above.


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