One more entry, then I'm going home. Actually (and unfortunately), I'm going to Wal-Mart, then home.
I didn't really do anything too noteworthy over the weekend. I saw Dinosaur, it wasn't quite as good as I expected, but it was still good. I did some shopping, got some toys and goodies for the party, found some good shoes to go with the dress.
The dress. It's too big for me. This was what I wanted, it's what all the dieting and stair climbing was for, but.
But I didn't take it in to have alterations done a week ago, which was the tailor's deadline, because I was broke, and my mom said she could do it. So yesterday I tried it on, and it's too big, not only through the waist, but also around my arms. There are big gaps and it doesn't hang on me well at all. My mom looked at it, and said she didn't realize it had a lining, and she thought she'd only be taking in the waist. She can't do it. So the dress is about two sizes to big for me, and the wedding is less than two weeks away. I try to convince myself it's not a big deal, that all eyes will be on Liz and I'm just a background accessory, but then I remember I'm supposed to get up there and read a damn poem, and I just really hope my mom was able to convince the tailor to alter the dress on short notice.
The rest of the weekend I spent mostly reading, except for the hour I spent watching X-Files. The reading was nice. I finished two books, and started a third (in case you didn't notice over there in the side bar). The books I finished were really good. I miss them. Chris Moore and Neil Gaiman always have that affect on me. Their styles are completely different, but they both spin tales that are so imaginitave that I would be happy if I could attain one tenth of their creativity. They create characters who come to feel like old friends, who live in worlds that I always hate to leave. I hope I can do that as well as they can some day.
Chris Carter does that too, sometimes, and though he hasn't been doing it as often or as well lately, he did it last night. Yes, I'm a fan-girl, and I probably watched the show through rose-tinted glasses, and probably you're thinking that I'm one of those who refuse to admit that X-Files just isn't what it used to be. I'm not, though it does pain me to admit it; but I liked last night's episode. More cynical viewers thought the ending was a predictable stretch, that Carter played his trump card to squeeze one more year out of a dying cash-cow; and maybe they're right, but I don't care. It surprised me, it gave me some new mysteries to wonder about, it let me see the Smoking Man finally get what's coming to him, I got to see Skinner cry ... hell, it even made me like Krychek. Maybe Carter & co. should quite while they're ahead, but, the first half of this last season not withstanding, I think they've still got some good stories to tell. It's worth it for me to sit through a few bad episodes to get to the occasional gem like the COPS episode; and, even the bad episodes are better than most of the rest of what's on television, especially on Sunday night. I'm glad it's coming back for another season. I can feel it slowing down, but I'm just not ready for this ride to end.
That's it. I'm off to Wal-Mart **shudder**.
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