The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, May 24, 2000

I just called the vet' to make an appointment for my kitty. She's been going around sneezing for a few weeks now, and I planned to take her in eventually, but this morning her nose was bleeding. I wasn't really too concerned, I just figured that her nose was probably dried out and she sneezed too hard and burst a blood vessel. I cleaned her up and went to work and asked for Friday morning off so I could take her to the vet and get something for her allergies. When I mentioned to people that her nose was bleeding, they freaked, and told me that sounds pretty serious, and pretty soon they had me all panicked thinking that my kitty might be really sick. Considering I just lost my dog, I really don't need to have to deal with another seriously ill pet. So I called the vet to see if I should bring her in today. I described her symptoms, and do you know what they said? She probably sneezed too hard and burst a blood vessel. So she's going in on Friday.


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