The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Friday, May 19, 2000

I actually remember last night's wierd-ass dream. I was sitting on my parents' bed in the old house watching their TV, and my nephew was in there watching it with me. We were watching a Very Special Episode of "The Facts of Life," but it was actually a crazed cross between that and "The Pretender." There was a serial rapist on the loose in Pekskill (or however you spell it), and he had already gotten Tootie and Jo. George Clooney was hanging out with the girls and Mrs. Garrett, and they were all trying to comfort Tootie (except for Blair, who was behaving like a self-involved bitch), and George suddenly morphed into Jarod, who started pretending to be some kind of school official in the hopes of catching the rapist, and was trying to protect the girls while at the same time keeping one step ahead of Miss Parker. Of course, in the dream I wasn't just watching the action on TV, I was right there in the middle of it, but then I'd flash to me and my nephew sitting on the bed making fun of the show ala MST3K. And there was also something in there about me getting called to sub in a second grade class and all the little kids wanting me to lead them in an at-home version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire," (You don't need a link to that) but I couldn't find the game so I kept making up questions, but they were waaaay over the second-graders' heads and the little foul-mouthed bastards kept cussing me out for it, but that part's a little fuzzy.

("Timmy Big Hands" link picked up the other day from Impudite)


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