If I ever have enough money so that I can run a business just as a hobby and not really have to worry about whether or not it's actually profitable, I'd like to buy one of the old one or two screen movie houses that are standing all over town, deserted since the advent of the multiplex (and even those are closing down now that the megaplexes have taken over town). I'd fully restore it, giving it a nice 1930's art deco look, or maybe go with a '40's noirish theme, and show nothing but arthouse and indie films, classic revivals, maybe an annual Star Wars marathon, and I'd try letting Rocky Horror show there at least once (subsequent screenings would depend on how well the crew cleaned up after). Maybe I'd even offer the stage up for occasional live performances. Besides a concession stand, I'd also put a little cafe in one corner of the lobby, where film students could hold meetings, or patrons could just hang out after the movie and discuss the film over coffee. Doesn't that sound just heavenly?
The Original Blog O' Jean
Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.
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