The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, April 29, 2002

I shouldn't have logged onto AIM last night, but I did, and as a result I stayed up way later than I should have, and I fell completely off of the spoiler wagon. I now have this sinking, anxious feeling regarding Spike's future that I was perfectly happy not to have before. I'm still delusionally hopeful, mind you, but it's taking a lot more work to maintain now. And now I'm obsessing over ways that what I was told could work out in his favor -- or rather, in favor of his relationship with Buffy and/or his redemption -- instead of focussing on things I really need to be focussed on, such as the introduction to my fake APA methodological research article, which is due in 5 hours and which I have not even started yet. So what the heck am I doing online, you ask? Gathering more info from Born To Explore to support my hypothesis. I'm just killing time waiting for my stuff to print.

*SIGH* Just had to chase Nibblet off the top of my coat stand. I wonder how long before she sends that crashing down. I just hope my dog's not underneath it when it happens.

Anyway. I was up at least another hour after I made myself log off AIM, trying to organize and revise everything I've written so far of Getaway to post on the site. I'm still waiting to hear back from some of my betas, but considering new episodes start tomorrow that will completely negate my story, I'm in a bit of a hurry to get it out to the masses (as opposed to the 30 or so of you who visit my blog regularly; Hi, sis). So I might not be able to wait to hear back from everybody. At any rate, the first half should go up at DL some time tonight. I'll let you know here and there when it does.

I probably won't be posting any more of it here, since some folks have mentioned they've been avoiding this page so they don't get spoiled for it and would prefer to read it in its final form on the site. Or maybe I will anyway. I don't know. Depends on my mood, really.

My articles are printed, so I'm off to finish my homework. Wish me luck.


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