I hate my life. Well, not really. I actually like it pretty well right now. It could be improved by the presence of a straight, unattached male who thinks I'm gooooorgeous and wants to keeeeees me, but, whatever. I'm just terribly overextended right now, and very very tired. I think my biggest mistake was joining the university's Psychology club. Well, no, my biggest mistake was letting them make me the editor. It'll look great on a grad school application, but damn, that's a lot of work that I just don't have time for.
Especially not since I started managing Last Exit. Not much of a story there, really. I went to their last show, Stacie asked me if I wanted to manage them, I said how much, he said he'd get back to me with a percentage, and then he did, and now I am. Managing them, that is. It's a whole lotta work, and the whole learning what the hell I'm doing as I go bit isn't making it any easier. I've gotten them one gig so far. So if you live in the Northeastern Oklahoma area, come to Java Dave's in Claremore on Saturday, April 13th, and see the show. They're putting together an accoustic set. It's dee-lovely.
I'm also suffering from angst over turning 29 in a week. TWENTY-NINE, people! I'm really not handling it well. And I'm beginning to notice these lines around my eyes, and that's just depressing. At least there's no gray hair yet. Thank God for small favors. 29. Wah.
On a writing front, I've thrown out Soul Consequences and Enter the Dragon. If you read these, and you were left hanging, I'm sorry. But my reasons for writing them are pretty much moot now (and SC had all kinds of plot holes anyway), and it's time to move on to bigger and better things. I've got one more non-DL fic in the works (I'm considering posting rough snippets of it here just to get it out there and keep me going on it), but once Dancing Lessons is finished, I'm finished with fanfic.
I've also decided to throw out my first novel. I know I should have shopped it around to more than one publisher, but looking at it now, my writing has improved a lot since I wrote it. So we're just going to call that one practice. I'm developing an idea for a new novel, which I'll start on in earnest once DL is done. Like I said, bigger and better things. It's time to put up or shut up. If this new book doesn't do it for me, I'll shut up and get my School Psych degree and be a less annoying Mr. Mackee, mm'kay? and relegate writing to a hobby. Yeesh, I'm fatalistic today. You know that'll turn out to be bullshit, right? I thought so.
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