The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, February 21, 2001

Last night's Buffy, particularly the devolution of Spike, has left me more depressed than I care to admit. Hence, I'll try to distract myself by focusing on something that actually has bearing on my life.

I got my SAR back from the Financial Aid people last night. It looks good. I'm not eligible for Pell grant, which I hoped for but didn't really expect, but I should be eligible for something. The college is supposed to be sending me a financial aid package pretty soon.

We get our bonuses in two days, too. Mine is, of course, going directly to my creditors. Every now and then I think of other stuff I could spend it on, like a new tv (I have an old 13" that doesn't support my DVD player and I've been wanting so badly to upgrade to a new 25". Or even 19". Anything would be an improvement), or a desktop PC (because my laptop is a slow, maxed-out-memory piece of crud and if I leave here without having another office job lined up it's going to be the only computer I have on which to rely), or a VCR that doesn't chew up my tapes and that doesn't blink off and cancel the recording timer of its own volition; but no, I am going to be good, and buy partial freedom from the chains of bondage that are my credit cards. Yay on me.

Update: I was just given my annual raise, but that news was followed by the news that they've changed my job description and put it out on the internal job postings, so what-fucking-ever. My supervisor said I can reapply for my own job, but I asked (and managed to do so without laughing) what good that would do, really, since if they wanted to keep me on they'd have just sent me to training to learn the one program that makes the new job description so different. In a surprise moment of honesty, she said probably not much.

So I have about 6 weeks to decide whether I want to transfer within the company, find another job altogether, or just ride it out until they let me go and then return to temping. The last option actually sounds the most appealing, if the least lucrative. The thing is, when I asked what would happen if I did this, she said she'd look into it, but mentioned the option of me turning in my resignation with an indefinite end date. I wanted to point out that I'm not resigning, I'm being forced to leave so that someone else can take my job, but I didn't. It seems to me like they're going to do everything they can to manipulate this so that they don't have to give me any kind of severance compensation. Suddenly I'm wondering if I shouldn't have my mom mention this to her lawyer. Not to take action, just to find out what my rights are.

Feh. At least now Spike's downhill train to loserville is the least of my problems.

O happy day.


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