The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, January 16, 2001

Again, Angel made me say, "Whoa!"

Spoilers ahoy...







Lindsey didn't get vamped. My disappointment is almost as great as his was at Lilah's survival. I told you those trailers are misleading. Oh well. At least he's still in the game. He gets a promotion and he gets to live on as Darla's boy toy. Way to go, Lindsey!

And way to go, Wesley! I think Wes has proven that he is no ass-pansy. Having watched his introduction to the Buffy-verse just the other day, I must say I'm really proud of how far Wesley has come since his Watcher days. He's so take charge now when he needs to be.

I like Cordy's hair better with the blonde streak.

When Wesley, Gunn & Cordy sang "We Are the Champions," I fell out of my chair. Funniest. Thing. On. That. Show. Ever. Even counting Angel's dancing.

Speaking of Angel...

Silent, determined Angel was even creepier than Evil Angel. When I saw him smoking, I actually thought that maybe he had become Evil Angel. Because, you know, only evil people smoke in the Buffy-verse. But he wasn't wearing his evil black leather pants, so I figured he was still good. Either way, I didn't see the vamp-fry coming. HA! Burn, Drusilla, you crazy bitch! Burn! I call that payback for carrying on with Evil Angel when Spike was all burned and crippled. Slut.

I wonder if Juliet Landau ever gets tired of saying "it reeks of death." I also sometimes wonder if her dad Martin ever gets embarrassed for her. Just kidding. I like Drusilla, mostly. When she ripped that demon's ears off? That was pretty cool right there.

So, Angel seems to be in a definite downward spiral, and I can't wait to see if he's going to pull out in time or if he's going to crash and burn. I'm really loving this show this season, and it just keeps getting better. And, we're just a week away from new Buffy and some Council of Watchers wackiness. And, and, AND we're just weeks away from February sweeps and the inevitable Buffy/Angel crossover. Is there time for Dru's scars to heal before she meets up with Spike? Because I'm really aching to see a confrontation between those two. At any rate, I'm excited.


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