The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, November 13, 2000

Lately I've been having a great deal of trouble bringing myself to care about a great many things. Not just the election rigmarole, but a lot of things. The impending holidays, for one. Going back to school in January. My job. My book. The upcoming movies, even though I've been pretty psyched about at least a couple of them all year. I just don't care. I can hardly be bothered to leave the house if I don't absolutely have to, like to go to my job that I don't care about. I haven't cared much about blogging, either, which explains why Ritalin Junkie has sucked so much lately. I haven't been sleeping well lately, I suspect that's the culprit, though it may just be a hormonal thing. I kind of hope it's the latter, because then it will pass in another week or so. I just feel bleah. Everything, everyone, the entire world around me, it's all just ... bleah.

Though, in stupid Jean fashion, no matter how down I feel or how little I care about the rest of the world, I can still manage to get all worked up about stupid, unimportant things about which normal people could care less. Like the fact that the JLA was on Batman Beyond this Saturday, or the way Kitty Pryde was introduced on X-Men: Evolution, or the fact that we still don't know how Scully got pregnant; or, more importantly, that this week is the big Buffy/Angel crossover. These things are important to me, even when I feel like the rest of the world can politely go piss off. It's a sickness.

Anyway. Since I couldn't be bothered to leave the house this weekend, I rearranged my living room, cleared my desk off and made it more writer friendly, after which I actually did some writing. This brief spurt of motivation & inspiration came after reading in the Sunday paper a review of Stephen King's new book, On Writing : A Memoir of the Craft. If just the review moved me to do something as drastic as clean off my desk and rearrange furniture, not to mention write something, imagine what the book itself might do for me.

Anyway, apologies for the recent suckage. It's just a phase, hopefully I'll snap out of it soon.


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