The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, August 21, 2000

I'm just not with it today. I seem to have done something to my back, because it hurts, Dear God how it hurts, and I've taken at least 2000 miligrams of ibuprofen so far today, which has done nothing for the pain but seems to be doing a really swell job of rendering my Ritalin completely ineffective, and I'm all spacey and fidgety and unfocused as a result, and I think I may also be PMS-ing because I feel fat and bloated and depressed and irritable, but apart from the fat and bloated part that could just be due to the pain, oh dear sweet Jesus in Heaven the pain, please make it go away.

At least I get to go home soon. Strike that, I have to go to Wal-Mart and get some more Benadryl for my dog. Dear Lord, what have I done to deserve the punishment from hell that is a trip to Wal-Mart on top of all of the rest of my suffering? Whatever it was, I'm sorry, and I promise not to do it again if you'll make my back stop hurting.

Maybe while I'm at Wal-Mart I can pick up some of those Doan's back pills or something.


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