The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, July 27, 2000

When I left work last night, I left feeling inspired, and determined to go home and write.

"So, Jean," you ask once your laughter subsides, "what did you end up doing last night? We all know it had nothing to do with writing."

And I say, "Bite me. You don't know me that well. I very well could have gone home and written something."

And you say, "So, did you?"

And I say, "No. Leave me alone."

So what did I do? I spent the majority of the evening watching The Meat Loaf Story on VH1. That's right. Meat Loaf. And you know what? I realized that I really kind of like Meat Loaf. So today I downloaded a bunch of mp3's from both "Bat Out of Hell" albums (I'm feeling compelled to download and horde as much as I can before Napster gets shut down). And then I realized something else: It is impossible to sit through an entire Meat Loaf song at work without getting interrupted.


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