The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, July 12, 2000

I'm almost out of Ritalin. I have two doses for today (normally I take 3), then it's gone. Not good timing, what with me having actual work to do and all, trying to get organized, and to prove to the newish bosses that I'm not an incompetent, absent-minded ditz. Oftentimes, though, without the Rit, that's exactly what I turn into. I called the dr. yesterday to renew my prescription, but they can't call it in (because, technically, it's a narcotic), and since my mom's walking where Jesus tread there's no one to pick it up for me. It took me forever to convince the admin at the doctor's office to mail it to me (it might fall into the wrong hands and get sold on the street, you know), but finally they agreed. Knowing our mail, it will be at least tomorrow before I get the prescription.

Holy crap, do you know what just occurred to me? I bet I could have had them fax it. Okay, so I am an absent-minded ditz. Soon, I'll be an unmedicated absent-minded ditz, so just look out.


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