The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, July 31, 2000

I finally saw "Chicken Run" this weekend. I thought the funniest thing about this movie was that none of the human characters thought it odd that the chickens all wore little hats and such.

I didn't get any writing done. Nephew #1 stayed over all weekend, and he had himself a Star Wars marathon. In my house it's sacreligious to do anything else when Star Wars is on, so I ended up joining him. I also made him watch Clue, now that he's old enough to get all of the jokes. In a discussion afterward about what else Tim Curry has been in, I discovered that the boy still hasn't seen Rocky Horror. Such a sheltered life he's led. I may have to remedy that next time he's over (note: Nephew #1 is a high school senior. It's not like I'm subverting a twelve-year-old).


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