My little sister is married. We can all get on with our lives now.
The wedding went well. The morning started out a bit rough. Liz got a phone call informing her that one of the bridesmaids was at the hospital in ICU. Apparantly the idiot had gone out with friends after the rehearsal on Friday night and od'd on dramamine. Dramamine! What the hell? Damn stupid kids. Anyway, the girl is going to be okay, but needless to say, the wedding was short a bridesmaid.
After Liz got back from trying to visit her friend at the hospitial, we went to get our hair done and run some last minute errands. The hairdressers took longer than they'd promised, so we got out of the salon just in time to be severely inconvenienced by a Shriner's parade. We managed to make it onto the side of town we needed to be on and got our errands done, then headed toward the mansion to commence getting dressed for the wedding. On the way to the mansion we got stuck behind a stray tiny shriner car, and when we arrived there were about a hundred more tiny cars in the parking lot across the street (where the wedding guests would be needing to park).
I got Liz upstairs and got her calmed down, and started on her makeup, at which point it started to rain (did I mention the wedding was supposed to be held out on the lawn?) and she started to freak again. So everything had to be moved upstairs and rearranged in the ballroom so that we could hold the ceremony there. Which meant that we would have to make our entrance coming up the stairs.
Finally everyone was dressed and ready, nerves were shot, and we were all ready to get this thing over with. The other bridesmaid headed up the stairs, and I followed, tripping on my gown every other step. I finally managed to pick it up out of my way towards the top of the stairs, but it slipped at the top and I very nearly made my grand entrance by falling out of the stairwell and onto my face. But I didn't. I made it over to the new wedding spot and the preacher pointed to where I was supposed to stand, and stood there for what seemed like a really long time. Long enough that I was about ready to leave my post and go check to see what the hold up was when mom and Liz finally came up the steps. The wedding was finally underway.
As they went through the first part of it I decided to get ready to hand Brandon's ring to Liz. I had decided that my middle finger would be a good, safe place to keep it. I practiced sliding it off several times before we came upstairs, and it slid off just fine. In front of everyone, however, it decided to stick. I tried to be really nonchalant about turning my back to the audience so they couldn't see me struggle with the ring, and I think I pulled it off. Nobody mentioned it to me, at any rate. I think all eyes were on the three year old ring bearer, who had decided he didn't want to hold his pillow anymore and punted it across the room.
By the time they asked me to read my poem everything seemed so surreal that it didn't even feel like I was really there, so getting through the poem was no problem. Same with the toast at the reception. So now it's all over with and we all have to find something else to become the central focus of our lives for a while.
After the wedding, my oldest nephew was coming out to our house to spend the night. He had not seen any of the Evil Dead movies, either. So we stopped on the way back and rented Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness so that I could share with him the wonders of a union between Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell. I have a confession to make. Before last week, I had never seen Army of Darkness all the way through, either. I had seen bits and pieces of it, late at night as I was flipping through channels, but never had I watched it from beginning to end. I didn't even realize that it belonged to the Evil Dead series. So when the Sci-fi channel aired it last Thursday, I popped some popcorn, turned out the lights, and watched the whole thing. Mind you, I was still riding an Ash-induced high from having seen Evil Dead 2 for the very first time the previous weekend. As I watched the opening sequence, everything clicked and I realized that I was about to watch the continuation of Ash's journey I got so excited I started jumping up and down on the sofa.
Oops, I'm out of time. This will have to be continued after lunch.
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